Wilson Finks

Wilson Finks is living in Chapel Hill, in the basement apartment of the old family homestead in Village West.  He lives with his cat, Hutch.  

He has a very active life, to put it mildly. First, he has two jobs, one at Harris-Teeter over in Carrboro, where he has worked for over five years now; the other with the Center for Development and Learning, the short version of UNC’s Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning. He has worked for the CDL for several years, sometimes taking trips to other cities, including Washington and New Orleans, to take part in professional conferences. The goal of his particular agency is to help handicapped people take more responsibility for their own independence and they put on workshops in which Wilson takes part in role-playing demonstrations. 

Wilson is also very active in the Orange County Special Olympics, almost year round. He has played for many years for their soccer, basketball, and softball teams, competing with other teams from around the region and the state.  Recently he has begun to run track again and seems to have lost little of the speed he had as a teen as he has become a winner in the middle distances.  It is no exaggeration to say that he has more gold, silver and bronze Special Olympics medals than he knows what to do with. But his best sport and one of his favorite activities is skiing! The first time he went over to a skiing competition in the N.C. mountains, he won a gold medal, and he continues to excel. What a shame that the slopes are so far away; otherwise he would be skiing all winter. 

In the summer of 2001, Wilson was able to go on two wonderful trips, first to England and Scotland with his mother in June, followed by a trip with the CDL to Hawaii and Samoa in July.  Wilson has been green with envy for years over his brother and sister's world travels and now he'll be able to start chalking up the exotic destinations himself.  In fact, I don't think either Cat or Charlie has been to Samoa and perhaps not to Scotland either.  In March of 2002, he was able to spend a week at Disney World, and in August, he and his brother traveled by car from San Diego back to Chapel Hill, with stops in Las Vegas, at the Grand Canyon, at Graceland, and other spots along the way.

Wilson's Contact Information

198 Ridge Trail
Chapel Hill, N.C.  27516

919 308-6322
